Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!
Life has been very full in the past month and a half.

Here is a view of a beautiful sunrise from our back door. Yes, we have a water tower in our backyard! No, I haven't been able to climb it yet. Someday.

Here is a picture of part of our Thanksgiving feast. We had a great day of eating and playing games.

Here is me. This is the classroom. This is where I teach. My first big teaching was on the book of 2nd Corinthians. I taught Monday and Tuesday this week for a total of 6 hours. It was definitely a new experience for me that stretched me in new ways. God used it to teach students and me quite a lot.

My favorite parts of the book are:

1) Paul's eternal perspective...always remembering that we live this life in preparation for eternity with God.

2) God's Power is made perfect in weakness. God uses us to share his love with the world. God's ultimate power in forgiveness was perfected in humility and weakness when Christ died on the cross.

It was a lot of fun and a lot of work to teach. My next big teaching is going to be the book of Exodus....I'm both excited and nervous for that!

We moved into our house on the base! This was a bunch of work as we had to redo the flooring and paint the house while moving in and still doing our normal jobs. But man was it worth it! We slept for 11 hours the first night! We didn't realize the lack of sleep we were getting in the dorms. We so appreciate having a little space to ourselves again! God has truly blessed us with this house. It's a 3 bedroom place that's about 1100 sf. Here's a picture

Jessika turned 9 a few weeks ago!! Here is a picture of part of her birthday party. She had a great party at a local pumpkin farm...riding horses of course.

Of course you need to see some Halloween pictures! We had all kinds of critters over that night....lions, princesses....lots of fun.

I wanted to give you a bit of a picture of what we actually do during a week, so below is an Overview of our days
- Monday, Wednesday and Friday we both have class with the students from 8 to noon.
-Tuesday and Thursday mornings Ruth is working in hospitality, taking care of guest speakers and other visitors to the base.
-Friday afternoon we both have a group of 3 students that we disciple and mentor.

-Throughout the week we have 2 staff meetings, 2 prayer meetings, Intercession for the nations and times of worship.
-Dave studies for teaching and grades students work between these times.
-Of course we also spend a lot of time with students, talking about what they are learning, helping them with questions and teaching out of the classroom

We have both really been enjoying getting to know the students. We both have a small group that we meet with weekly that has been really fun and helpful in getting to know students and just help them through this class.

I have started meeting weekly with a Japanese student, Tasuku, to talk through lectures with him and help him as he is learning in his second language. We really enjoy talking through things and I find it really helps me learn the bible better to actually have someone pepper me with questions!

Here is a picture of Tasuku carrying his Japanese flag. He did this for our "International night" here at the YWAM base. There were over 20 nations represented that night. That's one of the things I love about what we do....The mix of all the different cultures.


Praise God for a new laptop! (from some generous friends . . . you know who you are!)

Praise God for walking us through the MANY crazy transitions in the last few months. We were feeling a little stressed for a bit there...realizing that we have changed jobs, houses, churches, states....just a few minor changes. But God has given us the strength to get through it.

Praise that I am planning on going to Israel next May! I never thought I'd be typing that but an awesome opportunity came up to go with one of our guest teachers, Colonel Hanson. He is a retired military Colonel and and archeologist/Bible scholar. He will be leading about 20 of us through the Holy Land for 17 days. I was able to get my ticket there with airline miles, so that saved about $1500! The ground fees are still about $2000, so that is also a prayer request. Just to add to the excitement of the trip, my dad is going with! We are really looking forward to it.

Prayer Requests:

Pray for finances . . . we are still getting used to living on faith and the generosity of others. But God is the best provider! His storehouses are overflowing with blessings for us!

Pray for Ruth as she is praying about the winter quarter on base and trying to make a decision about where to be involved. Besides SBS, she is praying about hospitality, housekeeping, and the primary healthcare school (IPHC).

Pray for Jessika as she is having some trouble making friends at school and comes home crying. Her best friend, Pearl, on the base is moving back to Thailand this week . This is also hard for Ruth. Pearl's mom, Yvette, has become a special friend for Ruth. It is hard for all of us to see the Anderson family leave.


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