I just went for a jog because I had to vent my fatherly frustrations with my daughter this morning! fun huh? well, I was complaining as I ran and then I thought back to something I've thought before (which is stupid, but follow me). I thought "God, how were you tempted in every way if you never had kids?" stupid, I know. But I thought it. Since we are reading Psalms right now I am allowed to lament and pour my heart out like King David did :). So I kept jogging, listening to music and then God showed me this.... (see pic)...He said..."look what I can do" I said "Wow". Then he reminded me of Israel. They are his first born. They rejected him oh so often. He accepted them back. then they rejected him again. Then he delivered them. Then they rejected him....on and on.. He knows what it is like to be father. He is the perfect father. Then I ran some more. (since it was sunny and 50 plus degrees (that's warm for here)). I thought of Deuteronomy 8:5 "know then in your heart that as a parent disciplines a child so the Lord your God disciplines you". Awwww man. God you are so good. you thought of everything. You even gave me the killer sunrise.
so this is what our lake looks like today. nice huh? want to come visit? then come on!
Just remember that God has thought of everything. He loves you. love him back with everything you've got.
prayer requests: my laptop is acting up a lot...pray healing over it :)
-this week is 1st and 2nd Samuel...it is a BIG week. pray for energy and wisdom going through the life of King David. what a stud.
-well, I'm off to study.
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