just updating the blog with email sent a bit ago....
Hello all.
Hello all.
I was just about ready to start reading Exodus and I figured I could spend 10 minutes typing a quick howdy to those we love and miss.
First the kids. They are doing great. We had an awesome time skiing last saturday at the local resort. They had a fund raising day for the ski-patrol, so there was a free horse drawn sleigh up there for the day. Let's just say, if there are horses involved, Jessika wants to be there. So Ruth took the kids around the sleigh a bunch and I rented skis and took them on the bunny slope all day. Apparently the bunny slope is free, so it's a great way to teach them how to ski. Jonny really wanted to try the jump...so he did. He didn't make it, but I have no doubt he will be airborn soon enough. Jess was a little more timid on the skis, but she was there for the horses anyways. At the end of the day she got to feed them and sit on them. Their names were Paul and Mary. Apparently Mary had a baby last year at Christmas time and the foal's name? yep...Jesus...You just have to laugh at that one.
Jonny's main focus in life these days is his upcoming birthday. He has scoured over the Lego magazine picking out gifts that everyone should be buying him. He brings the magazine with him to base so he can show people just in case they are willing.
Jess is a reading machine. I'm not sure if she's ever finished a book, but she usually has 5 or 6 going at the same time. I'm trying to get her through Charlotte's Web. She is very proud of being a 'chapter book reader' rather than just a 'kids book reader'.
Ruth is my workin' woman. She is enjoying serving the people at work. They are switching her hours back an hour in a week, so that will be awesome. Gone are the days of getting up at 4:30am. She's sleeping until 5:30 on work days now. It doesn't seem like much, but an hour is huge at that time of day. She's also hosting a superbowl party for the whole class (my class) tomorrow at our place. We'll probably have about 30-40 people in the house. We even borrowed a projector from base, so it should be awesome.
Me? well, I made it through the New Testament! We even had a party to celebrate that accomplishment. The celebration was short lived when we realized that the Old Testament is 4 times longer than the new. I must say, I really enjoyed John's books (John, 1-3 John, Revelation). I'm looking forward to digging more into them when I have some more time. Revelation in particular is just cool. No matter what your view on it...Christ is coming back and you're either with him or against him. (For the record I highly recommend being with him). Just today I finished Genesis. This is the beginning of the long haul through the Old Testament. I must say I love the history and archeology aspects of it. Genesis struck me as an amazing testament to God's character. One of the coolest things was when man had just sinned and was ashamed of his nakedness, the first thing God did was make some clothes for him. Just a testament to his love for us even at our lowest points.
well, I've got to go read Exodus. Go Bears...I mean Go Colts...I wish I cared who one this one :) but my team didn't have the gusto to even get to the playoffs...
dave, ruth, jess, jon and franky
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