Thursday, January 11, 2007

This week I've been studying the gospel of John. From somewhere deep down a poem of sorts came about, so I'll share it with you...

God created mankind who chose sin over him
God pursued mankind because he loves them

So much was his love that he gave up his life
His body was pierced by nails, thorns and knife

He conquered that death and came back in three days
The choice now is ours to follow his ways

Jesus Christ is the name of God's only Son
The world is confused. Is he The One?

The prophets have proved him, his life did the same
He proved it himself by healing the lame.

His message is simple "Believe and be saved-
You're sins are forgiven, just believe in my name"

For those who don't believe-
I implore you to take this seriously. Forget the excuses of not understanding why or blaming hypocrites for thier bad example. God loves you. He made you to know him. You can believe him without knowing all the answers. You can accept his love by starting with this prayer "God, thanks for forgiving my sin. I accept you. I believe you. Come into my life. Show me who you are"
It's that simple.

For those who do believe-
How simple is it to share this? How important is it that the world hears this message? Are there friends of yours that you haven't told for the sake of "not offending" them?
Who told you about Christ? Are you glad they chose to risk it? Your job is to tell. Give them a chance to make a choice! At least they'll know that you care enough to invite them to the party!

John 20:31" But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name"


At 10:38 AM, Blogger Brian B said...

I actually wrote this in college, and I am NOT ok with its public dissemination! Call me to discuss.



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