Sorry It's been so long since I've updated anything. The rumors were that this School of Biblical Studies kept you busy. The rumors are right.
Before I bore you with details I'll say that my beautiful wife took this beautiful picture last weekend in Glacier National Park. Awesome huh?
I am now in my 3rd week (well, almost, I have completed two weeks) of my class. So far, I love it. It's amazing how much you get out of God's Word when you really decide to get into it. We have studied the books of Philemon and Titus and we are half way through Ephesians.
For me the most interesting part is learning the Background of the books. I suppose it's partly because I have been so ignorant of the state of the original readers. But the Bible comes alive in a whole new way when you realize who these people were that were writing and reading it. I realized in Philemon how God can take the most useless person and renew them and love them. It challenged me. I generally have a tough time with people that seem useless. In reading Titus, I just had to laugh...Paul is basically writing to a church leader in the dregs of society "Cretans are liars, evil brutes and lazy gluttons".
So anyway, I'm enjoying it. It's starting to get tough as we are digging into Ephesians this week and it seems the books are getting longer and longer. It's great stuff, but a lot of work because we actually do read each book at least 5 times!
On the family side God has been blessing us greatly! HE SOLD OUR HOUSE!!! this has been a long time coming. It is so great to have it done as it has been quite a ride over the last 6 months. Thanks to all who have been praying about this!
Ruth is also starting to work tomorrow. She's a little nervous, but I think she's gonna love it. She'll be working 2 days a week at a nice nursing home in Kalispell (30 minutes away). So pray for her this week as she starts.
The kids are loving their school. They don't like to wake up and get out the door in the morning, but once we get them there they love it.
On the left by the way is a family shot of us in Glacier National park. We went there with my entire class a few saturdays ago. It was chilly up there, but it has been mostly about 70 degrees by our house.
Here are the kids throwing snowballs and hiding in a burned out tree. They had fun pummeling daddy with the snow. They'll probably have a few more chances of that this year
and below is Matt Hulst getting pie in the face at Welcome to Montana night. It was a night of fun, food and square dancing that they do every quarter at the school when new students come.
Here's my boy and my little lady all geared up for montana night.
Well, I'm off to study.
Prayer requests:
1)praise God for selling the house.
2)Pray for Ruth starting her job
3)Time management for all of us with work, school, kids, more kids, more school etc...
We love you all tons, write to us, call us, come visit! we miss y'all.
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