****Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
We are doing well here in Montana. I am actually having a break from class so it is very refreshing to not read and type much for a time. But I realized you deserve an update on our lives.
First I'll update you on my class here at YWAM Montana. I have now studied a majority of the New Testament. In fact the last book we did was 2nd Timothy, Paul's last letter. Paul wrote a majority of the New Testament, and this was his last letter that he wrote to his beloved friend and coworker Timothy. I must say, this book is now one of my favorites. (I think that Mark is still at the top of the list though)...but here is why I like it...
Timothy is struggling. Paul sent him to Ephesus to lead the church and he is having a rough time. The reason? The Ephesian culture is just plain hard nosed and nasty. They seem to worship anything and everything. They are trying to mix God with their culture. There are teachers there that are avidly teaching against God and everything Timothy stands for. In a lot of ways, it is very much like our culture today.
Paul is struggling as well. He is in a Roman prison. He knows that he is dying soon (he ends up being beheaded). He has spent the last 15 or so years mentoring Timothy. When Paul met Timothy in Lystra He (Paul) was stoned and left for dead. By God's grace he lived and proclaimed Christ's love for the years to come. Paul is probably the reason that Timothy knows Christ. Together they wrote many of the letters in the New Testament. Paul has suffered more than you and I could imagine. His suffering is almost over.
This letter is Paul's last bit of encouragement to a dearly loved friend. Paul reminds Tim to endure whatever the world doles out. He has a purpose. God has blessed him with a gift. He is not to be timid and reserved, but stand up to those that fight against the truth. This reminds me of one of those movie scenes where a dying father is handing the reigns over to his son (like in the beginning of "Gladiator"). The son isn't sure he can pull off the responsibility. The father knows that he can and must.
The point? There are many in Paul's letter but I want to encourage each of you. God has given you a gift (many in fact, we just celebrated one on the 25th). Don't get bogged down in the worries of this world. Remember how much God loves you. God has made each of you a teacher or a friend or a mentor or a father/mother or a servant or.... Use your gifts. The world might try to make you forget, but fight the good fight! Be the example God has made you to be.
If you have a chance, read 2nd Timothy. It's only a few pages. Remember who wrote it and that they were in the midst of dying for their faith. It's a good read.
Alright, now back to our lives and an update. We have had a great Christmas. (at the left is the kids in front of our tree. you probably can't see them because they are wearing their new camo pajamas) Thank you all for the gifts you sent and the cards and the love. Right now the kids are downstairs playing with their new toys. The dog is dressed in his new 'prison dog' outfit (see next photo below). And to top it all off, we finally got some fresh snow (about 2 inches) today. Actually we had some a few days ago, but then yesterday it rained and melted it all. The kids and I made a massive snowman. I'd send a picture of it, but the rain melted him and made him fall down.
Yesterday we all drove to Ruth's work (nursing home) to say 'hi' to some of her patients and share the dog with them. There are a lot of dog lovers there. It really made their day to have a friendly face and a friendly dog come in and chat. We had fun too. The kids were so excited about the whole adventure. afterwards Jessika said "you take care of such great people mommy!". Which she does. She is there working today as well.
well, I need to take the kids out sledding so I'll finish up. Below is our Christmas letter that we sent out. If you didn't receive one it's because we don't have your mailing address, so email it to me at dave@diepersloot.com
Dear friends and family:
God has blessed us this year!
We are currently living in Lakeside, Montana, which has been a massive change from sunny Oceanside, CA. In fact, after I write this letter I need to go outside and knock icicles off of the gutters! Living in the snow has been a learning experience for our family. We love it, but it’s cold. We have even had to send the kids to school in snow pants a few times already.
We moved here with the purpose of entering full time missions with Youth With a Mission (YWAM). This year I (Dave) am taking a full time Bible study course as training and a foundation for our future. I love it. I have never studied the Bible so much. I have been amazed to realize how little I actually know about it. Through this studying God is giving me a love for his Word like never before.
In moving here, God has done some amazing things for us. We were totally blessed that he sold our house in California. He provided a massive truck to bring us out here. He provided Ruth with the perfect Job. She is working at a Nursing Home in town. She is great with the people there. She loves to serve. The other day she had a horse come in to the home. Apparently stuff like this is OK here in Montana. She is also helping out at the kids’ school one day a week. They love having mommy as a helper in class. As a mom her job is very full this year but she is doing an awesome job.
Now for the kids. We have considered selling them on E-bay. Ok, that’s not true. They are awesome. They are both learning and growing so much at this stage it is amazing. Jonny is learning to read. He is sounding out words and writing his letters. He has definitely got daddy’s knack for engineering; he comes up with math answers that make Ruth and I shake our heads. He is also an awesome little singer. He loves to sing for people. Just yesterday he sang for about five minutes for Oma for her birthday. He definitely got that talent from mommy. Jessika is our little English major. She leaves notes around the house for us all of the time. We’re hoping she publishes her first book soon…. Both kids also love our latest addition to the family. Franky. He is a miniature dachshund. He is a great little foot warmer on cold days as well.
We have settled into Montana nicely. Just this morning we had a great service on ‘Love’ at our church here in town. We are missing our friends and family that are now all many miles away. You are all welcome to come visit for a ski in the winter or a little lake fun in the summer, or even a fish in the spring or an elk in the fall if that suits your fancy. Needless to say, if you are receiving this letter it is because we love you and value your prayers. Pray that God guides us and that we serve him above all. If you would like to be included in our monthly newsletter please email us. God bless you this season as we celebrate his love.
Dave, Ruth
Jessika and Jonny Diepersloot
PS I put the WRONG address in the letter. here is the CORRECT address
PO Box 1094
Lakeside, MT 59922
Here is one last shot of the kids opening gifts. I think they liked it :)
OK last picture. This is us almost a month ago when we treked into the woods to chop down our Christmas tree. lots of fun..