Why I believe…this is a fairly short list of experiences in my life that all add up to why I believe in God, the Bible, and Jesus Christ.
Answered prayer
So many examples. I think of some great friends in our Bible study at home, trying to get pregnant for years. They brought it to prayer with our bible study and were pregnant within a few months. I think of God’s provision in missions. Last year in DTS every student in our class was provided for. Thousands of dollars within the last hour. There was actually one person who did not receive their outreach funds. It was a little disheartening to see this until a few days later he found out that he was sick and actually could not have gone on outreach anyway!!!
Design of nature
As a mechanical engineer I appreciate the difficulty of design. The world we live in is so complex and yet so perfectly orchestrated that I believe there is no possibility of it occurring randomly. I don’t know how God did it. I do know that it is so complex that brilliant people all around the world study it their entire lives and still don’t scratch the surface of knowing how it all works together. It might take faith to believe that God designed it all, but it takes something much more extreme than faith to believe that it all happened by itself.
God speaks
Linking back to the answered prayer, I prayed and prayed about providing the funds for the one guy that didn’t get his outreach money. I could have paid for it with some debt on my house. I was willing. I really felt like God told me not to do it. I was confused that God would hold me back from giving. Then a few days later it was so clear when he found out he couldn’t go for medical reasons.
God has told me over and over in his scriptures to take SBS (school of biblical studies). Sometimes I’m a little slow to obey, but He told me over and over again, mostly through scripture. The key to hearing God’s voice? Listening.
With our house, God specifically pointed out a few scriptures when we prayed specifically about it. God said to stick with the deal we had and that deeds would be exchanged. This happened when we prayed specifically about it and took the time to listen. The verses that came to mind were Amos 3:3 “Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?” referring to us sticking with the deal we had on our house; and Jeremiah 32:44 “Deeds will be signed”. I think that one is pretty clear. It was tough to wait it out and be patient. But God did it! Our house closes on September 29, later than we had hoped, but in God’s timing.
Oh, I just remembered one more. Last year before we went to Zimbabwe God gave me a vision of a church; I can still picture it. I’ve never had a vision before, but it was a picture I couldn’t get out of my head, while we were praying for Zimbabwe. When we got there I was amazed to see the exact church in downtown Harare! It was great! There were lots of other prayers and visions from our whole team that you can read about in my dts journal from africa.
Existence of spiritual world
One specific example I have of this is when I was in Hawaii for DTS (Discipleship Training School). I was walking to town with Aimee and Meagan, two spiritually aware people. I myself am very unaware of the spiritual. I am not sure if it is a gift that I don’t have, or if it is just experience or what. Well, we walked by a cemetery and decided to walk through it and just pray. For some reason I walked around the whole thing with Meagan first and there was one spot that she thought was extremely dark spiritually and she felt inclined to pray there for a while. Then I walked around with Aimee and she felt the exact same feelings in the exact same spot. I know your thinking “it was probably just a dark corner….” It wasn’t! It was a beautiful spot under a great big tree, but they both felt the same darkness, that there was something evil in that area. So we prayed for spiritual renewal and for God’s power to overcome that space.
Miracles happen
God does heal people. God does send rain. We often don’t give him a chance or the glory he deserves, but it is undeniable. In our lives, Ruth used to see a chiropractor every week from an injury she got in 8th grade. Last year we wondered how we would even go on a mission trip for two months. Several people prayed for her, and she hasn’t been to a chiropractor since then.
On the rain, God sent rain to the drought we were in last year in Zimbabwe. As a team, honestly, we were all stunned. People there were dancing in the streets. It was awesome.
Seeing changed lives
Nothing on this planet will change someone’s life like knowing God. People that seem useless or have given up can just spring to life when they find God’s grace and forgiveness. The most striking personal example I know is an alcoholic friend who has totally turned his life around through God’s strength after trying on his own for years. God has rebuilt his life into something awesome!
Consistency and Prophecy of the Bible
It’s the most amazing piece of literature in the world. Written over thousands of years by numbers of people; all inspired by God. Amazing prophecies came to be thousands of years after. Not one or two but hundreds of prophecies so specific that they can’t be denied. Amazing writing by many authors that all tie into the theme of God loving us eventually leading to his sending his own Son as a sacrifice in place of us. From the very first book of the Bible, God’s sacrifice is prophesied.
Well there are countless other experiences and reasons to believe. I think this is good for now.